It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The next Harry Potter movie was retrodimentioned. It was shot in standard 2d and then defiled by the attempted addition of a dimensions via computer animation and fiddling.

A lot of podcasts, particularly those from folks who have full time jobs, have cut down the number of shows per period of time, added people to the podcast, vanished, or become terrible.

"We have the audacity to not believe in hope now." Heard on NPR. I keep going back and forth on whether or not the Republicans are going to take a bunch of seats in Congress and maybe even the Sennett in some weeks. Hearing liberal towers of the party line like NPR utter things like the previous statement make me feel volatile, but do not convince me one way or the other. I'm just more uppity on the subject, not more convinced on a direction.

Law And Order is 20 years old.

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