It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



It was windy as bean festival today at lunch. I walked around the parking garage roof for a bit. It was hot, but the wind made it kind of nice.

Some guy on the elevator made a comment about me heading to the sixth floor. He was like "Leave you to your own device." I'm l;like "What?" I'm headed to the roof for lunch. Leave me alone. Of course, I didn't give him a piece of my mind. I didn't give him a dirty look. I just kept on about my business. nonconfrontational. I act a little too nuts to make people afraid of me in an elevator.

Left my camera at the house. It was sitting right where I left it to the left of my computer monitor. If anything cool had happened today I would not have had the opportunity to video it. Need to be a bit more conscientious. Normally, lately anyway, I toss my camera in my pocket for walking around. You just don't know when you will have something worth videoing happen in your lap.

The clouds were active. The winds were blowing fast at high altitude as well. The clouds looked all smeared above the bottom layer. The bottom layer of clouds was hauling ass. I watched one cloud get flattened out and rerolled while I watched. I wondered if it would have made a good time lapse.

A piece of plastic was flopping around one of the stair cases. An aluminum can was rolling back and forth in one of the corners. There was a pile of sand that was blowing around. The wind was blowing in all kinds of directions up there.

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