It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Bad cliche and grammar

I'm not one to talk. I am bad at this stuff. Still, I'm better than some and some bad grammar and most bad cliches piss me off.

"As you can see ..." needs to be stricken from human existence in all languages. I hear this all the time on YouTube videos. It is the worst kind of cliche. It is completely useless. Either direct people's attention to the object in the video by saying "Please direct your attention here." or "Look." while pointing or "See this?" while pointing. Saying "As you can see" sounds like "Look dumb ass, you should have already noticed this." to me.

"Actually" is a needless word. If something happened or if something exists then it has happen or does exist. Saying the word actually does not make it more so.

I need to find one of those counting clicker things. I want to shoot a video of me listening to the Caffeination Podcast and click the counter every time the guy who does that podcast says "actually". I'm thinking it is in the sixties in 15 minutes. That is about every other sentence. I like the podcast and listen despite the bucket of cliches.

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