It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


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Prefix Decimal
yotta  1000000000000000000000000 Septillion
zetta  1000000000000000000000    Sextillion
exa    1000000000000000000       Quintillion
peta   1000000000000000          Quadrillion
tera   1000000000000             Trillion
giga   1000000000                Billion
mega   1000000                   Million
kilo   1000                      Thousand
hecto  100                       Hundred
deca   10                        Ten

I tried to post the above in to a YouTube comment. It wouldn't let me. I guess it has too many numbers in it or something. They must have thought I was spamming. The person wanted to know what came after terabyte. Well, this is the definitive list. It came from Wikipedia.

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