It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch Conversation


Jack, an ex employee, came up. We discussed his placement on several scales including personality, engineering, ex employee status, photography, and fun. Jack took a picture of a red 1950's era car recently that was beautiful. It was the car really that spoke.

Jack came up again later in the day. That's funny because I go weeks without so much as hearing his name and now he came up twice in one day organically.

Best root beer

I was drinking an A&W. Aaron read on the side the words "Made with aged vanilla." This started a conversation about the best root beer. I made a crack about A&W using the vanilla left in the back of the warehouse.

There were several high end root beers mentioned. St. Arnold's root beer was highly recommended. A&W was the best of the cheap root beer. This led to the next topic.

Best Cheap Beer

First the definition of a cheap beer was argued. Some said that cheap beer is one that has been advertised all over the place.  That definition got shot down. There was never a real consensus on the subject. Then many brands came up like Budweiser and Lone Star. I lost track.

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