It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News


  • We had to get an extension on our taxes because a hospital is dragging their feet. We are close to getting the deduction for medical expenses. That would be very nice.
  • I got a USB key to boot. I still can't control which boot it uses. That comes next I suppose. The software I found seems to just grab the first .bin or whatever to boot. I need to point it somehow to the correct .bin to gte multiple boot CDs to work. No idea how to do that. I bet they have adoc on their page. If only I had time to do track it down.
  • I need the bigger battery for my phone. Nat has preemptively said no. Not sure how the case thing will work with the extended battery. It is a box hanging off the back of the phone. Doesn't look bad, but changes the form factor.

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