It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



2009-04-07 (a day in the life of Kelly)

  • Got up at 5:30 like I do every day.
  • Got to work yesterday at 7:30 after a 1.5 hour commute. Any wonder why I want a phone I can surf the net on?
  • Left work at 20:00.
  • Got home at 21:30 after 1.5 hour commute.
    • Did the cat box.
    • Nat had dinner made. Thank you sweetie.
    • Got yelled at by Natalie for not paying any attention to the family.
    • Elle had a nightmare and I got to hold her for a little bit. I wish it were better circumstances, but I'm glad I got to hold her.
  • Gut to sleep at 00:00 or so.
  • Got up at 05:30 like I do every day and started over again.

I didn't mow the yard, do any bills, do dishes, write anything worth reading, put up the beautiful pictures of a sun rise i took the other day, or anything else productive. I ate and went to bed. What else is someone supposed to do with a day like that? I slept well thank God.

It shouldn't be like this for ever. work is just nuts right now. We have a bunch of new stuff hitting the world and a bunch of old stuff that needs to work with the new stuff. Yadda Yadda. It is just an every day thing with the tech industry. Still, I feel like I'm living to work right now. That is a tough sell when my little girl has a nightmare.

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