It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Our government did a study that found, if you reduce the monthly payments of people who fell behind on their home loan by at least 10 percent, they were fare less likely to fall behind again. Thus, they were far less likely to eventually default. Duh!
  • Awesome potato soup from Nat today at lunch. She brought up a huge (new) pot of potato soup to work today because some folks asked for it at the party. Most of whom missed it. Their loss. It was difficult taking the pot up to the sixth floor  Sucker weighed 35 lb. Nat misplaced her new phone case while she was transferring out of the car. Lucky it wasn't her phone I say. Male rats have no nipples.I've never gotten close enough to verify.
  • tons of server troubles at work. I asked if I should account this on our time tracking and got an evil eye.
  • I sat on the phone with Dell support for an hour this morning waiting for disk errors to arise on a notebook. It did eventually fail on queue. I mist an important meeting. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It is one of those 'at least I had a good reason' things.
  • There is a book in me I think. Maybe. The itch is growing. It is a hell of a lot of work and my spelling can be overcome.
  • Nat called me up at work in the afternoon. There were a couple of cop cars in front of our neighbor's house. If only they were doing something about the noisy freaks behind us.
    I would like it noted for the record that my neighbour, whom I have called a drug dealer in this blog, has been arrested, though I no not for what.

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