This is a great day. It is the first commercial link between an airline and a spaceship maker. In 2001, A Space Odyssey, people are ferried to orbit by an airline. The security on the airline in the movie is not as much as we have on the ground these days. I might consider hiking on mars some day, if the terraforming goes well. I'll need tickets. Let's see,
That is (was) some one's house. Every time I go back to the CNN site they have a different picture of destruction. This one is some one's house that has had the roof ripped off. The one before It was a garage that had the roof collapse on all the cars inside. The one before that was a boat that had crashed into a house. The one before that was a woman towing a boat down a street that was full of home goods and some kids. I have to say, that I've been blessed when it comes to hurricanes. I've lived through a couple and a couple more tropical storms with little damage to my family or myself. I think the biggest damage we had was a lost aluminum shed in the back yard. It flipped over the fence and was basically lost. The next shed my dad added some wooden skids that added some weight and could be staked to the ground when needed.
Renaissance Festival
I have been invited a record four times to the Texas Renaissance Festival this year. Five if you include my parents. I haven't been in a couple of years. I really get a kick out of the festival. I enjoy going allot. The trouble is, I don't want to go this year. I have even been invited to camp, with a girl. It would just be a friend thing. Honestly, if I could drive myself and leave when I felt like it, I would go. I'm going to be tied to others and tied to their whims. This is one of the times it really sucks to not be able to drive. I'm going to sit this one out.
1 comment:
Hey, Kelly - wanna go to the Ren Fest this year? :)
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