It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I've experienced one more factor in outsourcing. Not only does the company I work for have to wait for a person in India to come back from another assignment, but the code he wrote cannot be touched by any one at the US company or any other vendor due to contractual obligation and the placement of liability. That means, for a one or two line change in some code, we have to wait two weeks. Yes, that's saving the company money.

In movies, that shot where a helicopter fly over a city at night, it's been done. That shot where a helicopter fly over a building to give it that 3d affect, it's been done. That shot where the camera is moved closer to some one while changing the zoom to make it look like 3d, it's been done. Hitchcock owns that one.

I had some one call my blog boring. She didn't specify anything. I suppose I can talk about her, because she will not come back. I do definitely appeal to geeky people. There is nothing right or wrong with being a geek. It is just something that is. I assume I am far too technical to appeal to “normal” people. Then, I've never been normal. I was not normal as a kid. I am not normal as an adult. That is not a bad thing. I have problems with part of it. I do not like being alone. I do not like missing the point in movies and conversation. I've aloud myself to believe that normal people live in a daze, normal people climb the ladder, normal people click next, normal people are happy.
I could never be happy with normal.

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