It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Every one tells me to get a pet. I work funny hours. I would not pay enough attention to a pet. I have a small apartment. I don't find the same enjoyment in pets that others find. I just look at them and think “I would hate the life you lead, all cooped up.” I was probably a domesticated dog in a past life. I don't want a dog. I don't want a cat. I don;t want a fish. I don't want a bird. Stop telling me you think I should get a pet.
I had one of those Japanese watch sized electric pets once. It died. It died a couple of times.

I'm in one of those moods where everything looks bleak. I can't snap out of it. Things are screwing up at my day job. I don't have the energy to follow through with Tpro work I need to do. My social life won't return my phone calls. blaw blaw blaw. Nothing is happening right now that hasn't happened every day of my life.
This is as good as it is going to get. I'm healthy. I'm trying to think of other good news. What ever. Kelly complaining about being Kelly again
. There is no fix. This is me. I should accept it and just do the next thing that needs to be done. I need to pay bills. I need to finish a small software project for Tpro. I need to stop doing software packaging at my day job. When I came home this afternoon I just went to bed. I haven't eaten. I got up because I wanted to write in my blog. I probably wouldn't have stirred if it weren't for my adoring public. =]

I learned
I If I'm not really paying attention, Spanish music sounds like Arabic music.

People gripe about their weight. Well, my two cents:
Ware cloths that fit. pull the tags off i you don't like the size written on them.
Eat what you think is healthy. Avoid things you know are crap.
Get off your butt and exorcize. This is what really matters.
Through the scale out the window. The stress over that number will kill you quicker than the blubber.
Thank God you have enough food to eat and some choice.


P2P update
There is a new type of download software out there called stream ripping. It appears to be a way that users can share files without being traced. It is a bit annoying sounding because you don't choose the music you download. It is a way to get around IP addresses and such. It pulls down from online radio. A bunch of the downloads are just DJs or even advertisements, but you just delete those.