It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


AT&T Wireless lessons
I read an article about AT&T Wireless. The article covers AT&Ts troubles complying with the federal law last year that said companies had to allow mobile customers to transfer their number from one company to the next. It is quite damning. Ex-employees say between threats of outsourcing, poorly planned software upgrades, poorly maintained networks, and a bunch of other crap, AT&T screwed themselves when this law hit. I like the picture in the article.
Things I learned from this article.
Don't screw yourself with upgrades.
Don't hide the fact your are outsourcing.
Don't just assume the legal system will grind slowly.
Erase you frigging whiteboards after meetings.
Keep confidential memos confidential.
CRM failure can drive current customers away.
CRM failure can stop new customers from using your business.
Using non standard software can bite you in the ass in ways you don't read about on the box.
Five million onetime script fixes are not the way to run a large network.
You need motivated workers to make things work.
Software testing really is worth the time it takes to do it.

I like this movie. It is a story of chivalry and a good old fight. I watched again recently. I hate the music. It is this eighties pop sound that makes me ill while watching such a wonderful movie.

Asleep our dreams find a willing mind, a place to play.
Awake our minds find a world around, a place to live.
In our dreams we fight, we flee, we fly away through the clouds of reason.
In our daily lives we want, we climb, we sink into sleep with glassy eyes.
Stumbling in a daze from our well built tours we find another.
One who may share our folly love, our time awake.
Do we know love when we sleep?

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