It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Chris Redfern (I'm not sure how to spell the man's name, apologies.) said "... Every time one of the fuckers says ..." while referring to Tea Party people who disagree with him. He was talking to union members. I disagree with you.

Someone paid a prank this morning. One of our coworkers left his class ring on a table at work. One of our other employees suspended it in a jello mold and brought it in to work this morning. What an awesome prank. Non-destructive. The ring is fine. The guy called the car dealership to find out if he left it there. It was a whole thing. I missed it. I was working the whole time this was happening.

The Gates foundation went to China and tried to convince rich people to give more of their money away. Most Chinese rich are new rich and had to really bust their ass to get there. They want to hang on to what they have. One man promised to give his money away when he dies. A woman interviewed said (from memory) "How do you know he will go through with it. If he doesn't, who can blame him? It is his money. He worked hard to get it. He can do what he wants with it." When is the last time you heard an average Joe American talk like that?

It is so nice at the house. I run Linux and when I need a piece of software, I install it. I've forgotten the troubles of having to buy software for the most part. Of course there are things you cannot get. Games, good video editing software and any number of proprietary software. Though, most proprietary software is going online only. Things like Tax preparation software and the like are examples.

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