It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



I had a dream last night. I was a character in "Mad Mad Mad Mad World". I used to think that movie was really funny. I need to look it up and watch it again to figure out if it is still all that funny to me.

The working writer is a sad being. People who are good at art should find themselves poring their skill onto the world for every willing participant to ponder. They must, however, earn a living. Only bad artists seem to find benefaction. This world is more sad for it.

In 2013 a 3.x% real estate tax kicks in. This is designed to screw the retiring generation. This is in the new Obama Care bill. Damn good thing no one read this thing before it was passed.

The concept of commodities can be summed up in the following statement. You cannot butter next week's bread today. Today's butter will not be good by next week. You cannot butter an extra piece of bread today and have it last to next week. Technology only extends the time in some cases. You might say next year's bread. Have you ever tried to freeze bread or butter? It is possible, but I would not recommend it.

Had Windows 7 roll-back pull my fanny out of a crack this afternoon. I'm going to have to stop cussing it.

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