It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Lunch conversation

Went to SmashBurger for lunch. It has been a couple weeks since I last joined the group out for a lunch. It needs to be done for social reasons. I enjoy it besides. I spent under $7. Not much else gives you the return on investment of a face to face lunch.

  • Beer and cheese
    • How did humans discover the making of cheese and beer. Surely both were by mistake
      • Cheese may have come from using the same equipment over and over and it formed on the edges of pots or buckets used for transport.
      • Yeast may have come from someone walking through the Gran before it was baked. (ew!)
      • Is bread indeed more difficult to make than beer in an historic sense or the other way round.
    • Using a steel keg with the top cut off as a boiler because the six gallon pot is not big enough to make 5 gallons of beer without spilling.
    • Aeration, fermentation.
    • Aluminum affects taste negatively. Titanium and adamantium have not yet been tested.
  • One of the gang confided in me. Yesterday, he was looking for work. He had finished up several things. He struggled to be productive until about 17:00. Great. Work is good. He walked in this morning ready to start, full force. Wham, the network takes a nose dive and he didn't have a chance to even start the other tasks.
  • Network issues at work.
  • Josh's mom.
  • SmashBurger has good salads.

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