It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Grand money woes:

Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran are not my war. No one asked me if I wanted to fight these countries. Something needed to be done, but I would slap the survivors with a detailed invoice. It would have been cheaper to simply find another way to power cars.

People feel poor and they feel like they are getting more poor. The recessions supposedly ended last summer. The stimulus has't helped. More adults who can work are out of work right now than last summer. But, this is not a depression. They keep redefining the word depression so we are not in one. In twenty years when they talk about this period, they will say this depression started in 2008 and that it took three years to realize how much trouble we were in.

Gold is over valued. G. Gordon Liddy advertises gold every day. They act like it is a way to hedge against bad things happening. There have been falls in the price of gold in the past. You know, it is a shiny rock. If the shit hits the fan, what are you going to do with a pound of gold except make bullets out of it? What do you use gold for on a daily basis? We have become culturally conditioned to think gold is worth more than the use we get our of it.

"Too bit to fail." is still out there. Big banks have only gotten bigger. The government says big banks must be aloud to fail when they screw up bad enough. The situation is just not changed. Nothing has changed for the better. This means nothing will change next time some huge bank says give me money or I'll tank the entire economy.

I still have not paid bills this month. It is just plane depressing. They will sit there piling up until I decide to do them. AT&T is now late. A couple of others may be too. I have the money, thank God. It is the will I lack.

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