It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Why I don't paint

Nat wants to paint Elle and her bathroom. More power to her. I believe she wants to paint the room. We have the stuff she needs in the garage. Except that is for the most important item in my opinion. I don't remember any tarps for painting. There are a couple of old smelly tarps out there.

I am not excited about painting anything. I know it is possible to paint something in your house yourself. I know it is by far cheaper to do it yourself. I am bad at it. I cannot tell when I screw up. I cannot fix it easily when I do tell. This is not why I do not do it.

Once, when I was like 10, I helped my mom paint some wall in the garage or something. She didn't care if I got some drips on the floor of the garage. Anyway. I had a soda in a bottle sitting near me while I was painting. I avoided the drink like the plague because I had heard that paint was highly poisonous. Not two minutes in, I noticed a drop of paint dripping down both the inside and outside of the bottle. I only noticed it by accident really. Moments after I saw it, the drips were more or less gone.

At that moment, I promised never to paint again. If I could come that close to killing myself, I didn't want to maybe kill any one else. Most likely, the paint would not have killed me. I was 10 or so remember. Still, it made an impression.

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