It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



China owns 30% to 40% of the U. S. bond market.

I killed a bunch of ants yesterday at home. Now, I find a bunch of little tiny ants in my office. They are in the walls. Someone warned me they were there. I got bit by one. I wander how they found out.

It took me 45 minutes to set up my own email on a new Windows system at work. Some admin.

The G. G. Liddy show had some black activist on who said basically, if black people think things are bad now, wait until Latinos are on top. From memory "I'm surprised there have not been race riots in Los Angeles." The guy was from Project Twenty One.

I do not need to consume collieries or caffeine in order to function. I do not need to drink a soda, eat a candy bar, consume chips or another cup of coffee after lunch. I did not eat lunch. That doesn't matter. I hereby declare myself immune to low blood sugar. It is my own fault for not eating lunch. I have food, I'm too lazy to fix the food I have and I'm too cheap to buy a burger.

Have I already complained about the spell checker in GEdit that does not work for contractions? Well, I should some time.

There is a book out about living life without air conditioning. The U. S. uses more electricity for air conditioning than the entire continent of Africa (a billion people) use for everything. The book is called "Loosing our Cool." They have dubbed a new disease "Nature Deficit Disorder." I like it. I'm all for sweating like mad and just stinking.

Anchor Baby: When a foreign woman or couple has a baby in the U. S. in order to achieve residency.

I set up a bunch of filters at my work email. Why did I wait this long to do this?

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