It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Phone Woes

I was trying to clean up my phone and managed to blow away all my ring tones. Fortunately, there is a default ring that at least makes noise. This is probably called the "dumbaass hidden ring tone". I also managed to blow away my gmail settings on the phone. It kept reading "No connection!" when I tried to look at my inbox. I could use the browser to view my gmail. This was annoying mainly because I had no time to look in to it. 

Work is killing me. I'm putting so much in to getting everything in the world done at work that I just don't have brain cycles left over after the work day is done. I bust my ass all day. Come home and try to take care of things as needed. The family and house suffer for it. I need a couple clones who don't eat much to make it all work.

This evening on the bus, I took the time to hunt down the settings for Manage Apps. You can not really do much with gmail on the google phone, but clear the data. Fortunately, that worked. As soon as I started the gmail app again it did a sync and I'm back to running. This phone really does remind me of my old 386.

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