It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The devil is in

Last night I went through the trouble of downloading a bunch of podcasts. I left my machine running over night so not to bit block Natalie because she was online after I went to bed. I got up this morning and checked the list. A couple had not finished so I kicked them off. I then I did a sync and put the podcasts on my USB drive. I walked through driving rain to work. I'm soaking from the thighs down at work I reach in my pocket and realize I never grabbed the drive out of he computer.

I'm not details oriented. That is disastrously in this modern age. Every one must be list driven and detail oriented to survive these days. Computers have not saved us from having to know the exact state of our surroundings at every moment. Computers are our competition, not our tools for our jobs. We, the dreamers and dancers of the world, simply cannot compete with the ability of a computer to keep track of all the little pieces of everything at every moment.

The mantra is "Automate, automate, automate." Do everything that is possible for the user, in the name of the user. The truth is we would love to cut the user out of the process. That day is coming rapidly. I predict that about the time I am of an age to retire, there will not be a human driven industry to retire from. Unless we start paying computers to do their job and program them with desires and irrational needs, we are not going to have a market for for goods and services that is not based on charity or taxation. There is not going to be any one left to buy anything.

Right now, the computers work for us. So we think anyway. At what point are people working for computers?

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