It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Elle is undergoing testing at school. I do not know the details. I underwent the same testing. It is intelligence measurement coupled with weeding out potential trouble makers. Our beloved government wants to measure it's subjects as early as possible in a vein attempt to predict the future.
  • The more that is on the line, the worse your performance. If you are offered a reasonable bonus for a task, you are more likely to perform highly than if you are offered a huge bonus for the same task.
    If you offer a small bonus, you do not motivate. If you offer a large bonus, you stress people out to the point of poor performance. If you can find that middle ground, you are a magician.
  • One in every one hundred searches on Google brings up a fake or mall ware site. Google is not the internet overlord. Last time I did a search, a million results came up.I'm sure one of them was a bad place. Not sure what they mean by one in a hundred. Someone needs to start stringing these assholes up.
  • The G1 doesn't let me put down pins on Google maps. This is catastrophic in my book. I can't save way points or even email myself a location or get GPS numbers or anything useful. I can save a search for Starbucks or or any other consumer related name. That does me little good when I'm trying to remember where I've been or track my own movements. Bad form G1 Google maps. I bet I can do it on the iPhone.
  • All this G20 crap and not one cent was traded hands or pledged, except by China. This meeting they had was an enormous non-event. So much to do about jack. Empty pomp. I don't even want to call it a vacuum because that implies it has a name and there for exists.
    All the news seems to be about the protests or the bloggers and new media coverage of the protests.
  • There was a knock down drag out meeting this morning at work.I'm not going in to details of course, but it was a "look busy" moment for sure.
  • One of my tasks today was to bring up some color printers and make sure they worked. I have to say, it was a pleasant change from the last couple weeks.
  • Got off on time today. Hit a stopping point and boogied. Got home and mowed. I'm so frigging tired it is not funny. I've eaten three huge bowls of chicken and noodle soup while I watch the last season of Battlestar Galactica. Liking it. Knowing it ended, makes it even better.

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