It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Sunday again

My Sundays are boring. Whenever we make plans to do something, they never come round. I end up sitting on the computer all day surfing the net. Not the I have a problem with that. I would like to get out of the house . I believe Nat and Elle would like that too. Too bad we are so broke. It is just not worth living life when you have no money to enjoy it. When you are broke, you are just a drone feeding the dreams of people who have money. That sucks. No wonder there are revolutions of the masses and mass beheadings of the rich every so often. It doesn't make anything better. No one ends up with more money out of it. You just end up with some other asshole in charge.

I read a blog that says 25% (from memory) of children think the world will end before they grow up. The blogger blames the rhetoric of climate control. I'm incline to believe that.

There was another blogger who interpreted an interview with Mahatma-Jib-Jab to say that the leader of Iran thinks Obama is a fool. I'm not sure what to think of that.

Obama says he will release new terrorist recruitment photos to guarantee the U. S. will be hated for generations to come.

Bloggers in Briton are thinking seriously of leaving the country to let her self destruct. The Governor of Texas mentioned the word 'succession' at a rally a week ago. I say that Western civilization cannot stand the plague of political correctness and ramped liberalism that we simply cannot afford. But that is just me.

Is it always like this? Does every generation hit some wall of unbelievable ignorance while watching their leaders travel the path to self destruction? Is it me? Am I the sain man in a crazy world, or the other?

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