It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Another day in Kelly's life gone by. Another day to log in the book. I am terrified of reading that book when I'm on the other side and falling asleep. What are we judged for. I like the Red Dwarf approach. We meet ourselves and decide for ourselves what happens to us. Not that I think I've done a good job. I just think that is fare.

I don't miss the day. The world doesn't need me to approve.

What is this world. Why are we here at all? Which his the truth?

  • We are here to please a god who toys with our lives every moment, who know everything, that has ever been or ever will be, and yet, still lets it all happen.
  • We are playing a video game or board game with our friends and most of us are NPCs. Our soles or guardian angels are people playing the game. I've plaid games and know that I do not like this one. I do not like a board teen guiding my life when they should all be out getting laid.
  • We are accidents of chemistry. Our consciousness is a by-product of electricity flowing from one place to another in grey goo between our ears. All that is art and science is just something to talk about before the end.
  • We are the sum of quantum wishful thinking. One moment of consciousness by one entity once, brought forth all the universe and all things in it. That is how quantum works.
  • We ride the back of an elephant which stands on the back of a gigantic turtle swimming through the empty space around a sun.
  • We exist to provide mosquitoes a meal.
  • We live the same moment over and over and over. We are stuck in the same moment, or year, or life looping endlessly. No beginning or end. Just Ground Hog Day without the happy ending.
  • We were planted in the genetic line of apes or worms or bacteria by aliens long ago just to see what happens. They drop in occasionally snatching hill-billies and probing them for kicks.
  • We are actors playing a part for a TV show. The single target of this TV show has no idea he is the number one attraction of the rest of existence. Or, The whole planet is the unwitting player.

I would like to write a poem for God. I would like it to be beautiful. I would like it to make a difference for the better. I would like it to plead our case. Maybe I just want to plea my case. Screw everyone else.

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