It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Waiting (from work)
I'm at work. I'm worried about Nat. She is ill and doesn't want to go to the doctor. It is 7:18 in the morning and the doctor's office doesn't open until 8:00. I have to wait 42 minutes before I can call the doctor and make her an appointment. It kills me to try to get work done while trying to help her.

Nat is worse than a guy when it comes to going to the doctor. We went to the doctor this afternoon and she has some kind of lung thing going on. She needed a chest X-ray. Elle was good for a while, but she needed her afternoon fit. I swayer the only thing you can do is just wait her out. She ended up sleeping in the middle of the noisy doctor's office. I do have snot all over my shoulders.

Shakespeare said "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" If you get them all at once, you could claim inadequate representation at the murder trial. hmmmmm.

Divide and Conquer
We have all these nukes that we have no intention of using. However, we don't want our enemies to know that. Our leaders should twitch and giggle when they mention nukes. Those who would do us harm should be scared shitless of our intention or willingness to use our arsenal. We should use the CIA to plant rumors that Syria is going to frame Iran and attack the US.
I can see it now. The next time there is a Middle East pow-wow where they normally bad-mouth America, the representative of Iran would step up to a podium and scream "We know what you are up too you sneaky bastards!" while looking straight at the Syrians. This would be in Arabic of course. If this happens, do you suppose the Iranians would still end their Parliamentary meetings by chanting "death to America, death to the Jews"?

Wholly shit Kilts are pricey. I had no idea you could rent a kilt.

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