It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The first forty five minutes of Debs were pretty good. Then it turned sappy, while simultaneously sucking. The director was obviously pressured to "make a statement" instead of a good movie. Go rent Tank Girl instead.

Deep Throat

Now obviously, just because Mark Felt leaked to Woodstein about the crimes of Watergate doesn't justify the explosion of anonymous sources these days, nor the media's willingness to protect those with partisan agendas, nor does it mean that leaked stories are always accurate. But it drives home the point that for all the abuse and overuse of sources these days, there's a reason that some people won't talk to reporters with their names attached, and sometimes that is the only way for the press to blow the whistle on wrongdoing.
Why did Woodward and Bernstein wait most of the day to confirm that Felt was the real-life version of Hal Holbrook? Sure, both reporters and Ben Bradlee took a pledge to honor the confidentiality agreement until Deep Throat's death. But a source coming forward and naming himself releases the journalist from the promise of confidentiality. In the end, it's hard to escape the irony that Vanity Fair beat The Post on the secret Woodward had kept for more than 30 years.

I wish he had kept his mouth shut in the first place. Now, not only is governing more difficult, but no one trusts any one any more. He should have come forward in the first place if he was so goddamn worried about the condition of the world.

For some reason my eyes have darkened. Normally, my eyes are a medium hazel. Nat mentioned last night that they looked darker than normal. I just looked in the mirror and noticed they do in fact look dark brown with just a hint of green. Is this a symptom of something? I've tried to go over what I've eaten lately and there is nothing far out of the usual. It must be a sign of lack of sleep. I've tried to Google a bunch of key words including "darkening eyes" as a symptom and gotten nowhere. I come up with literary references more than medical information. Is there a medical symptom search engine?

Credit Reports
Starting Today, you can get one free credit report per year from each credit report company. Start here for more info.
This is the email a friend sent.

Texans become eligible for free credit reports
Starting Wednesday, each Texan will be eligible to receive a free credit report once a year from the country's three major consumer reporting companies.
Thanks to a change in federal law passed last year, consumers can request a report from Equifax Inc., Experian Information Solutions Inc and Trans Union LLC which sell credit information to creditors, insurers and employers.
The credit histories include information on where consumers live, how they pay bills, whether they have filed for bankruptcy, and whether they have been sued or arrested.
Rights to the free reports were issued in phases nationally to help ease demand. Texas and other Southern states will join Western and Midwestern consumers who already have had access to their credit reports. Eastern states and U.S. territories will be eligible Sept. 1.
"If you have ever taken out a loan to buy a car or a house, you know firsthand about the importance of making sure your report is accurate," says U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin. "Someone else's mistake shouldn't cost you money."
For more information, visit

My back feels much better. Thank you for reading. The stages my back went through are below.
* Twinge while picking Elle up during a fit.
* Building agony during movement over two days.
* Locking up after laying on the floor putting Elle to sleep. Extremely painful.
* Return to the agony during movement and bending. using drugs to compensate. Lasts about four days.
* Dull ache for a day and a half. Again attacking with Aleve.
* Slight stiffness. I can remember it was there. Some movement produces a bit of a reminder that I need to keep my back straight.
Several of these symptoms overlapped. I'm not sure how long the whole thing has lasted. I'm still not quite over the experience.

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