It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Some Books
Bulfinch's Mythology, The Age of Chivalry
This guy would have made a hell of a Dungeon Master. I would have loved to play D&D with him. I recommend this book to any one who plays. It is a historic view of the age of Chivalry. I bet several parts of D&D come from this collection. I imagine though that this man was not himself creative, but a great taker of notes and researcher. He would have been a magnificent gamest.
The author runs through several real people and draws some lines to literature. I like the line "... Then came a line of Kings of little note. ..."
Thee is a chapter on Arthur. Timely, only because I just watched the movie King Arthur.. In the story of Merlin, also chapter three, the whit dragon wins. Remember that.


I saw this picture on Reuters. I fell in love. One of these days I may make it to Europe to partake in the positive side of travel and world discovery.
Her smile looks a bit forced, but if you had to server drunk Germans, you would be a bit worn as well.

Not Nice

Reuters photo
That's a toy gun in the child's hands.
This is the side of world travel that keeps me at home. The fact that a child is flouting a toy gun behind a foreign soldier sends shivers up my spine.
This is so staged it makes me sick. The kid looks sever paces behind the soldier.

Bad Black Market
The two flights that were blown up a couple of months ago in Russia proves that abandoning the rules leads to far worse than a loss of taxes. Two women paid a bribe to be lead to a plane each that night. The bribe was about $17 each. The practice has been in place for a long time. One of the women was scheduled on a much larger plane the next morning, but opted to take the earlier flight because there were police around.

The Crew
When we play D&D we use miniatures made of plastic. There was a day they were made of lead, but that isn't smart. There is a spot on the character sheets to put your character's picture or drawing. I've never been a good enough artist to follow through with a picture. I can just see myself putting a horrible scrawl on a perfectly good character and wanting to rewrite the whole thing.
I need some practice yet I think.
The whole crew

1 comment:

CyndyMW said...

Remind me to show you my pictures from Europe sometime. It's all the better by knowing that the trip cost me less than $50.