It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Late evening
When will the moment come? The moment where I am alive. Not the breath or blood coursing between my bones. The love of it all, The fast heart, the short breath. The darkness gone behind the light. The sounds turn to wind over green branches. That is closer to being alive than I have felt.
Has there ever been a time like this for me? Will there ever be such a moment, here? There have been moments where I felt good. Nothing like that instant. Elusive, is it one of those things you have to strive to achieve? Does it just happen without focus?
I may go my whole life without one moment like that. The hope of stumbling across happiness keeps me going. It is not a delusion. It is not a lie. It is the most noble pursuit. Let's hope the bubble never bursts.

I wish it would rain. I promised to meet a friend in our dreams tonight. It helps when it is raining.

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