It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Just another day in IT.

"My network is dead."

I ran around the office pinging all over the place. I tracked down the machines that were affected. I reset some switches. The wires in the wall are not always obvious where they come out. Some bounce from one office to another. That is really annoying. It makes diagnostics a pain in some cases.

This one office had a switch hanging off the wall that had no power cord plugged in to it. "Ah-ha!". Back up. It turned out that someone had kicked the cable. The person who sat at the desk knew about it and didn't bother telling any one because her stuff still worked. She laughed about it. All i could think about was all the desks I had to duck under, all the wall jacks that I had to play with to check, the ladder I had to use to check the jack in orbit, the people I had to kick off their machines long enough to ping. Just rude.

One thing about running around fixing something for an IT person is that people see you and remember all the frigging problems they have. I had to stop, after fixing the other issue this time, and hook up someone's printer. someone else complained about a fan that was too loud. Someone else asked about a bad switch from the previous day. Someone else needed a KVM. Every other damn thing going on.

The funny thing is, I'm terrible at multi tasking. I can't keep things straight between tasks. I stand there for a second and have to reprogram my brain with what it was I was doing before.

Just another day in IT.

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