It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Rebellion should not be directed at governments. It should not be directed at elites or even authority. It should be directed at the elite class of people who believe they are above the laws of the land. They believe they are doing the general population a favor by bleeding them dry and making a buck off their labors. Have successful rebellions been set against an amorphous class of stuck up assholes.

The funny things is, it seems like we the unwashed masses could simply stop listening to the self appointed elite class. This would take away all of their power over us. If ignorant people stopped listening to ignorant leaders, think what amazing things human kind could get up to. Why, we could teach our children about the world before they inherent it. We could give police time to enforce laws that hurt people instead of the laws that take deny a dollar from someone who is already rich. We could enforce borders and afford to pay off our debts with money we earned instead of waiting for a handout that will never come because, getting the money means you don't need the money. What an amazing world.

Except, the political class made the mess. As that political class keep wining and dining one another as they discuss how to make things worse fix things, it is actually the German taxpayer doing the bailing out. The mess is certainly not the fault of the ordinary bloke making Volkswagens in the factory in Wolfsburg, but he has to pay for it. Hopefully the anger of such people is with the German political class and the European political class, rather than with "The Spanish" or "The Southern Europeans" amorphously, because it is the political class who are responsible.
In the case of the vendor financed telco bubble that I discussed earlier, the companies that did the lending and the borrowing generally both went bankrupt, their assets gobbled up by new and more sensible companies. In the case of governments that have done the same thing, cleaning up is messier. The German and Spanish political classes are not just going to go away, however much we wish they would.
Perhaps there is anger with the German political class. Support for the traditional Christian Democrats and Social Democrats appears to be in serious decline, which has led to support for the Green party approaching 30%. Which is not going to help. It is hard to see any scenarios in which we are not totally fucked.

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