It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Syria used to use American aircraft in their airlines and military. Since some embargo bard them from getting spare parts, they have turned to Russian aircraft. Way to go U. S. government.

New Orleans is 100 miles from the coast. This is the big bullet they use to sell tourists on visiting. I suppose if it works, they should go with it.

My phone is getting on my nerves. Just moving around is bogging the phone to a halt. Bah! I don't have the scratch for a new phone. I may go get a cheap smart phone from Virgin to get by. Someone said they are $150 with a month to month. That's nice. The coverages sucks.

Can you believe there is still a monarch in the U. K.? They have banned protests during the royal wedding coming up. The U. S. need to do this at funerals.

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