It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



So, I been needing a headset for my work phone. I help people do stuff and it helps many times to have a headset while I'm running round looking at stuff on the screen. It is even worse for me because I hve to run my whole boddy around my two screens to see what I need to see. I used to drop the phone as I had it pinched between my shoulder and head. This was killing my neck.

My office has headsets. They are $110. I asked for one and got a resounding "you don't need one Kelly." Well, I looked around online and found one on Amazon that would work. It was $19.95 pluss shipping. It came out to like $24 or so.

They had 1. I got it. The entry is gone. This was God looking out for me. Hallelujah!

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