It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



When I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 the automatic snap to the side of the video and to other windows disappeared. I moaned and went on about my day.

For some reason, I decide to look in to it and find all these pages talking about switching window managers and modifying switches in the gnome-conf area (kind of like the windows registry) and such. It all looks far too complex to worry about.

Then, just as I'm about to say heck with it, one of the comments on one of the forums says something very complex about how to fix it and then says "or, you could hold down the shift key while dragging the window in Gnome."

Some of a bitch!!! It works. I hate it when the really simple answer is hidden by all the complex bullshit. Why is this not on the list of function keys in Gnome? Not on the list I found anyway. I tried alt and control. Why didn't I try shift?

I waisted a full fifteen minutes for research and another fifteen minuets of complaining in this blog on this subject. This is time I'll never get back. As a matter of fact, the annoying sound effects I make when the snap occurs inspired me to kill another hour making the following video for no good reason.

Field Data
Title Gnome window snap
Description This is my first attempt at making a screen capture video. It actually works. Give me a break. I'm not good at it.
How do you get the windows to snap to one another in Gnome?
I used recordmydesktop with all default settings for this capture.
Tags Linux Gnome X gnome-conf window snap stupid sound effects geek Canon SD940IS Houston Texas
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