It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Mission log

When I walked in to the bus stop this morning I noticed the smell of coffee and eggs from the local donut shot more than I would normally. It is torture. It is a evil habit getting used to buying breakfast. it leads to buying lunch. Which, leads to eating way too much junk and spending way too much money.

The job is stressful and getting to me. I'm in IT. The most stressful thing I do is deal with vendors outside the company. They are all out to screw you. They deliberately set their system up to make the laziest set of defaults the most expensive and the most annoying from a privacy standpoint. It is getting to the point you have to do extensive research on every little thing just to make sure you are getting what you asked for.

Cheryl brought homemade brownies. Heck of a gal.

I was supposed to go by the lock smith's today and get one of those barrel keys made. It turns out no one does those keys. They are specialty. They are common enough that you would think you could find them all over the place. Even bicycle locks have them. Oh, well.

Worked, hard, all day. No time for anything else.

Skipped lunch. Right about 14:45 or so I got a chance for a break, but I had to help someone with their password. It was the only time they could get away from their work. This is supposed to be break time. No such entity for the IT guy. Par for the course. I looked at my time card. It was the middle of last week since I took a lunch. Need to make a mends.

At 16:00 I heard myself say that I was leaving in an hour. It is normally bad luck to utter this out loud.

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