It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Rules for conquest

The way to make Communism and Socialism work. It is easy. Judging by past experiments in Communism and Socialism, these are the rules to follow to make things work.

  • Kill or crush everyone who disagrees with yoy.
  • Kill or crush everyone who challenges you and your ideals.
  • Kill or crush everyone who is incapable of fitting in to the mold you have made.
  • Kill or crush everyone who says or even thinks there is a better way than yours.
  • Kill or crush everyone who makes things work outside of the mold you have made.
  • Kill or crush everyone who asks if there is a better way.

Why does Capitalism work better? The answer to all the above questions is the same. "If you think you can do a better job, be my guest."

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