It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Euro Woes

Greece is calling the bailout a European bailout. Every one else is calling a Greece bailout. I wander if the next countries that go to join the Euro will have to put up some kind of deposit. Several experts say, even with the enormous bailout, Greece has no choice but to default. No idea when, but it will have to happen.

The Germans are pissed. Lets face it, the Euro is a polished German Mark. There have been whispers if kicking Greece out of the Euro, if not Europe all together. Sounds like a plan to me.

This is quite an advantage for Europe. I've tried to find out of California can be kicked out of the United States and come up blank. I'm not sure it is possible. Surely it would only take a 2/3ds vote somewhere. If not California, some other state will be the first to go insolvent. Is there a plan for such a thing. I doubt it.

I'm having a hard time feeling sympathy for Greece, Germany or Europe in general. The reason they all ganged up with the Euro was to bully the world with a huge powerful currency. They were out to counter China and the U. S. and associated currency policies. Now things have blown up with one piss ant country and the whole house of credit cards is tumbling down.

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