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D-Drive Transmission

This is very interesting. I thought for sure someone would come up with a non friction based zero shift system for transmissions. Even if this does not turn out to be a game changer, this is exactly the kind of enterprising sort of self reliance and self worth we should be teaching in school. 

I would also like it noted for the record that this guy is a plumber. I'm telling you, people who do plumbing for a long time and really udnerstand it, are smarter and more creative than any one gives them credit for. Plumbers must have a grasp of space, matter, forces, problem solving, and just plain sense to be any good at what they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the Durnin mechanism does not actually work. If you read p. 19 of the lab report hosted on his own site
it states clearly that this device is not an IVT, though it could serve as a component of one. The report states that it is nothing more than an epicyclic gear set.