It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


USB sound cards

I ordered 5 of those USB sound cards. It came out to $20. That should have me set for a bit. I intend to put zip ties around the case. This will reinforce it greatly. That was the downfall of both of the other devices. Once the case pops apart, there is no structural integrity and the bits inside just collapse.

Podcasts keep me sane. Without them, I have few anchors to base my thoughts on throughout the day. My mind wonders aimlessly between tasks. I loose focus more often. Yet, nothing productive comes of it. They are wild thoughts. At least with the podcasts, I have some semblance of useful bits of information floating around in my head.

Come on USB sound cards. Besides, I cannot get the computer to read to me with out the cheap little life savers. Sound is a necessity these days. No longer is a compute used by a person (not a server) useful without sound. I remember debates over color screens and mice (any pointing device). Do hey really help productivity, or are they just a distraction?

Got an email that they shipped this morning. That means I should get them by Monday or so.

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