It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



What did telling our troupes not to shoot back bought us? This may become the deadliest month in Afghanistan since the war started in 2001. Thanks Obama.

I could not sleep last night worth a damn. I kept having ridiculous dreams, but I don't remember what they were about. I just remember waking up and thinking "What the hell was that?" Had some frozen prepackaged bbq. Wonder if that kicked off the strange slumber.

Lunch was a bit short today. Normally I go walk around to clear my head and think about something else. Today I didn't get that chance. Normally, the rain doesn't stop me from getting to the parking garage. As previously blogged, that is all under construction. People have to make a dash from the front door of the building to the front door of the garage. The building is providing umbrellas, but the rain is blowing.

I ended up turning of the graphic effects on my home box. It is just an old piece of crap. I hadn't taxed the box much until just recently while performing video editing. That was the straw. X11 went from 15% usage on idle to 1% on idle. Not bad for a single setting. Besides, the mouse wheel was really pissing me off by flipping workspaces over the background. That made the change wort it. Maybe in my next box, I can use the fancy effects and menu ballooning or whatever it is called. I could bake cookies when I click render. Nat says it makes my computer sound like a vacuum cleaner.

Where are my USB sound cards? I'm missing all my podcasts dag-nabit.

Found out that Flanking Position will not have an episode this week. We all have families.  The heft of responsibilities on our lives makes the fun stuff take a back seat.

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