It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Did you know that the double dashes in an email message before your signature are part of an international standard and are there for off limits to disable. Thank you world government. Is there no limit to your micromanagement?

First time buyer tax credit is the only thing bringing new blood in to the housing market. People are scrambling to get in before the wire at the end of next month. I'll tell you, it pisses me off that I just bought a house before all this shit happened. I get screwed because I not only do not get the tax credit, but I bought when things were high. The whole neighborhood is circling the bowl. Tell me a gain why I bought a house?

There is something about Chronix Radio that will kill my phone if it doesn't catch the station on the first try. it sure would be nice if I could get Pandora on my Android phone. No dice so far.

A bunch of folks were going to Beck's for Friday. One of the guys is leaving and he made it in to his send off party. I would have loved to go, but I didn't have $10 for a berger. I ended up at McD's and got 4 $1 bergers. I cannot eat that many but something told me to get them anyway. I ended up giving one to one of my coworkers. His lunch did not fill him up.

There is a camera we use at work that was top of the line a decade ago. It is analog and hooks up through several converters.  The camera has an 80x zoom for macro shots. It was very expensive when it was purchased. The camera that replaced it is basically a dissecting microscope with a USB cable coming off of it. The new camera has more like a 200x zoom and works many times better for the tasks we ask of it.

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