It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • My mother is the only person I know using Twitter properly. I know of a few companies and celebrates using it, but my mother is the only 'person'. There is something wrong with that considering I work at a tech firm. To my knowledge, not one of them has an active Twitter account.
  • I miss warring a watch. I've been using my phone as a pocket watch. It works, but it is not a wristwatch. I miss the flipping of my wrist to get a feeling of the day going by.
  • Someone complained I post too may empty videos. I should post more personal videos. I like that idea. I think I'll tighten the criteria for posting videos from the internet. I don't know if I'll shoot more of my own video or not. That will be god-offal boring I think. It's my blog damn-it.
  • The bartender at the real Cheers that the show was based on worked there for thirty some odd years. He got laid off recently. Wonder if the bar will turn up for sale.
  • Trends say that two thirds of banking may be nationalized in the U. K.. That smells like a monopoly to some. The banks have been heard saying "You can't force us to lend." Isn't too much easy borrowing what got the world in this mess?
    Another quote "It isn't worth getting out of bed for 80 billion." For fuck sake.
  • Nat and Elle came up for a visit at lunch today. That was really cool. Too bad she had the sniffles and was ready to go to sleep the whole time. Poor thing has the same cough Nat and I have had for a while. It kind of worked backwards. I didn't even wish her good night for a week because I was sick and didn't want her to kiss my cheek. The best laid plans.
  • I get some yahoo news updates on my phone. I noticed an ad at the bottom of the latest one. I went back and looked at some that came in over the last couple days. They all had ads that I didn't notice. I have developed total ad blindness. Now I just have to work on deafness. =]
  • I'm a sweet-tart fiend. Nat bought me a whole box of sweet-tart "I love you" hearts after Valentine's day. They expire soon. ... What is a sweet-tart fiend to do? <sounds of crunching interlaced with sounds of giddy satisfaction>
  • Barbie Dolls were invented by a women. The all male high ups didn't like it.
  • Watchmen movie has had mixed reviews. I never got hooked on the comic. It sounds cool. The opening credits are the highlight I hear. It is too complex a story to translate. Someone said it should have been a TV series LOST or an HBO mini-series. Very knowledgeable people called it unfilmable. It could not stick to the source. It could not be something new. It should have been sixty hours long. It should have cut an hour and a half out of the existing two and a half hours. No one is satisfied it seems. Many people expected Iron Man or Spider Man and were disappointed because it hit too hard.
  • Its funny how often cool stuff takes five minutes and stupid stuff takes all day.
  • Still no comments on the blog. Humph.

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