It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • A glass truck drove through the parking lot next to work. It nearly blinded me.
  • A couple of the guys at work pickled some jalapenos that were left over from a pot-luck lunch. The last several work days I've had peppers for my Raman. Not too shabby.
  • NPR Talk of the Nation had some guy on saying that all those shit-hole countries in South America that never had real democracy are ll jumping with glee that the rest of the market driven world is falling apart. They are all on their way to starving while saying we are the ones who are wrong. That will show us.
  • Horses have been domesticated since 3500 BC. Bits were leather straps as per evidence from jaw bones. They drank mare's milk and hunted horses as well.
  • One of the guys who I respect for their geek knowledge, said today that he tried to get rid of Python on a Linux box not realizing that RPM is written in Python and ruined a machine. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has done that.
  • VMWare and other similar software was a novelty last year. Now it is a necessity. I lack several build platforms. I intend to fill those gaps with virtual machines eventually.
  • 2 files I had to remove to perform an update - php-magpiers and moodle.

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