It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • California is staring at bankruptcy. "There is no way California will default." People in the government are worried how this will look on the Ca. credit rating. California is one of the biggest economies in the world.
  • "Lay-offs are better for moral than pay cuts because the people who are affected are gone." That statement is not entirely true. I got pay cuts at my old company and never felt like I got back to where I was before. The pay cuts were called temporary, but were quite permanent.
  • Got a free barbecue lunch today. Not too shabby.
  • Pong is 40.
  • The check was invented in 1759. It is a bit outdated these days.
  • Ireland may be the first EU country to go belly up.
  • Allen Stanford is the new Madoff. Someone made a doll of Madoff that you can hit with a hammer.  This prick is not a New York prick. He is a Houston prick.
  • "Of Mice and Men" was eaten by a dog before it was published.

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