It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Book Review

Spoiler Alert!

"The Man Who Turned Into Himself " Is the best fictional explanation of time travel paradox I've ever come across. It is not the best novel in the world, but does a great job of walking the reader through the time loop and infinite number of universes created by choice scenario of time travel.

A man experiences a tragedy so intense that it sends him to an adjacent time line. He is thought to be insane. With the help of a psychiatrist, he learns to get back to his time line. Then, he learns to find another time line where the tragedy that started the whole thing can be avoided.

The novel is poorly written to be honest. I considered stopping reading it after the first chapter or two. I'm glad I stuck it out if only to get the thought experiment from the author. It makes up for it's lack of story or maybe it is depth of characters, by it's length. It is mercifully short.

This i the kind of crap I would write if I wrote. It presents a thought experiment in novel form. The dialog is mechanical. The characters are contrived stereotypes. I try to do the same thing. I come up with an idea and just want to put the idea down with as little fuss as possible. In good novels, every moment is important, even if it isn't. Not sure I have the skills to do any better than or as good as this novel.

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