It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Video Editing Notes

Flip Mino HD

Using Fedora 10 Linux.

Plays fine in MPlayer.

Kino takes many times too long to import a simple video. Then the resolution is completely ruined.

avidemux works, but the sound is a mile off.
mplayer works, but the sound is a mile off.
Trying VMWare.
It turns out the problem with the audio is in MPlayer, not the editors or the Flip Device. It appears avidemux works for an editor, but I cannot view the finished product because my computer is to slow. I need to come up with a way to get the video playback to force the sound to match the proper frame. I'll figure it out eventually.
Afte minutes delving though the man pages I found the following that seems to work. There is a bit of skip at the beginning, but what the hell.
/usr/bin/player -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts lowres=1:fast:skiploopfilter=all $1

It looks like this command allows mplayer to skip frames of the video in order to match to the audio. The mplayer folks were very helpful by giving several reasons and example code when it detects a problem such as this. For the record, the error message was extremely helpful.

Cinelerra on Fedora 10 (Did not work)

Found the following for Fedora 9. Substituted "10" for "9" in the link and it installed.
Fedora 9
To install Cinelerra from kwizart repository (x86 and x86_64) do
su -
rpm -ivh
rpm -ivh
yum install cinelerra --enablerepo=kwizart
1 - This package tweaks the kernel.shmmax value in /etc/sysctl.conf so there is no need for you to modify it.
2 - This version points to the system fonts path in /usr/share/fonts (instead of /usr/lib(64)/cinelerra/fonts).
This is needed for the title plugin. It needs fonts.dir (which is usually deprecated) to be regenerated.
You can do:
yum install ttmkfdir xorg-x11-font-utils
and then in each subdirectories of /usr/share/fonts that you want to be seen by the title plugin, so for example:
cd /usr/share/fonts/
ttmkfdir && mkfontdir

Building Cinelerra (works so far)

  • Downloaded the community code.
  • Ran the configure script.
  • Installed RPM Fusion repo. Livna is has been rolled in to RPM Fusion apparently.
  • Started resolving the missing bits.
  • Had to download fftw-devel, and libmp3lame manually. They were not in the repos.

So far, I've only brought up the windows and stopped. That was such a victory, I'm worried about finding the problems with what is left.

Still haven't had the guts to try to Cinelerra software. I'll get to it when I start to feel self-destructive.

I doubt this information will help any one. I just haven't gotten anything to work with this one piece of software without building it from source. Will someone out there please make Cinelerra work or write a better piece of software that works out of the box.


wildhostile said...

You should have rpmfusion too free and non-free
su -c 'rpm -Uvh'

kwizart repository for fedora10 ==> rpm -ivh

When done just yum install cinelerra-cv

Good luck.

zhsy00001 said...

I tried that exact code and when I did searches for cinelerra, nothing came up. Either I did something wrong (entirely possible) or cinelerra is not ready for Fedora 10. When I went to kwizart's site and looked for cinelerra, I didn't find it listed under packages for Fedora 10. That is when I decided to just build the thing.

Thanks for the help. I need all I can get.

P. S. I have a French farmer reading my blog?

wildhostile said...
