It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • Today is my two year anniversary at my current job.
  • On the bus this morning, the discussion was all bout politics. Three people were shouting at one another across the bus.  They were quite nearly at opposing ends of the bus talking over the road noise, other people and the drone of the heater. Every one's jaws were flapping and yet, none of them heard each other. They were all trying to make points and yet it didn't seem to make any difference. Clearly, they all had made up their minds. The only thing they agreed on was a glee that Bush was leaving office. The word change kept coming up. I hate to tell them that none of the candidates have anything new to add to the scene.
    I put my headphones on and ignored the rest of the conversation. The news was all about the primaries last night. The word 'change' was uttered by the candidates about a million times in every sound bite. Good luck with that.
  • I watched a movie last night called "Shacking Hands with the Devil". It is about the UN involvement in Darfur Africa. Basically, the UN forces are there to be peace keepers, yet they have no ammunition for their weapons. They are constantly hamstrung by politicians. Woman and children are slaughtered by the train load all around them and they are told to not take sides.
    The movie was quite revealing. I remember reading stories about the UN troops protecting thousands of people in a camp, then pulling out to let them all be chopped to pieces by men with machetes from the other side of the conflict. It was in the papers and online. No one seems to remember it except me among my click.
  • Ronald Reagan was the president of the Actor's Guild long before leading the country. He was the first president who wore contacts. I think every one since has worn them.

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