It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Couple videos

I'm board. Nat is watching a series she likes marathon style. I didn't get up until three this afternoon. I was supposed to throw the weed eater at the yard today. It was too nice for herbivore carnage. I slept like a stone. I think the scotch and water helped. Good old Johnny Walker Black.

No one has called today. No one wanted anything. Nat and I have just sat around the house and ate junk and either surfed the net watching videos of car stuff or watched a British show about chasing down a child molester.

Off to the videos.

Ghost Rider 5

These goofballs need to be tracked down and arrested for endangering the public. How many tax dollars go in to this kind of thing? I mean, this is some place in Europe, but the idea is the same.

The most boring police chase ever

How did this make it to feature status?

The vehicle we need in Houston

Oh, wait. That snorkel kit isn't good enough for Houston. You would need one that did about four meters for the floods around here. Nice idea though. Actually, I'm impressed. Even with a snorkel kit, that kind of thing isn't easy.

New kind of rollover

More snorkel kit fun

Leaserly Sandy drive, through a swoop

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