It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Thirteen days till Christmas

I feel ill when I think about Christmas. I have zero money to spend on Christmas. I mean zero. We are broke. Between the mortgage and other bills, there is nothing left. I'm not putting it on the credit card. That is not going to happen. I've told people who ask me what I want for Christmas to buy something for Elle and Nat. That is a gift to me.

I'm catching people's blogs and no one is in to Christmas. No one who blogs it seems. Hopefully we enjoy it. The only plans we have is hitting my parent's place for a meal or two and some presents. Nat heard some scuttle-butt about heading over to her Nice's place for something. We haven't been invited yet so I don't know how that sort of thing will go. I plan on playing it by ear and enjoying myself regardless. I hope to drag other's with me kicking and screaming.

Sometimes I wish I was more in to Christmas. If I were really in to Christmas, I would go to mass and not give presents or have a tree. Santa Claws would be band from my celebration. That is what Christmas is all about. Stores make so much money at this time of year that some might as well not be open except from September through January.

Christmas has become the commercial holiday. The year is at an end. The new year is coming. We must usher the old year out, then welcome the new year in with with parties. One with family. The other with drink and debauchery.

We took our company 'Christmas' picture today. The company is getting bigger and bigger over the years. The large conference room we use is getting smaller. We have five or six rows of people. I'm on the far left. It was nice being on the end because it is less claustrophobic. I wish there was a video of the setup and the giggling between snaps. "Chin up" "Tall in the back" "Happy, every one is happy" That last one sounded like the Raymond guy from 'Everyone loves Raymond'. I blinked during at least one of the shots. My nose itched the whole time.

It is finally cold and wet outside. Not cold enough to feel like winter really. It just feels icky. Nat likes cold weather for Christmas. I do to. It snowed a couple of years ago. I still have the pictures up. A friend of mine went to Oregon and had to look on my web page for the white Christmas in Houston.

Nat got Elle some things for Christmas morning. My parents have done the same. I'm happy with the gift area. Elle needs a pile of stuff to tare through. I'm good with a smile and videoing the event. I like the memories I don't have yet already.

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