It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Elle's Christmas video

Alternate title "Inebriated Santa on a Golf Cart"

I meant to post this some time ago. Elle isn't even buying this guy. My dad filmed this on his digital camera. His little camera takes the best frigging videos.

My parents haven't put up any videos, so here is how I did it. I logged in to YouTube. Clicked "upload video" button. Filled in some info that was pretty obvious. Browsed to the file location and clicked "upload". Then, I waited. and waited and waited and waited. I'm on Linux so I cannot get the video format to the proper type for YouTube to just accept it right off the bat. Thus, I must wait for it to be converted by some phantom server out in cyberspace. There are tons of programs for Windows that do the conversion to eliminate the wait. I'll figure it out one of these days. Anyway, that's it.

The reason this took so long was because I wanted to figure out the simple video editing software on my machine again. I was worried I would need to cut some language or something out of the film. I didn't really. It is pretty good the way it is. It did take for ever to upload to YouTube. I bet the rush is still on to get all the videos up from Christmas.


Faithful Servant said...

I loved the lady getting startled by the little characters singing and Sugar not liking Santa. Best of all Santa "What do you want little girl?" answer from Papa a camera and little girl holds up a camera. Too cute!

Faithful Servant said...

I loved when the lady was startled by the little charactors singing. Also when Sugar (the dog) wanted down. Dogs can tell what's up. Another one is when Santa says " little girl what do you want for Christmas and Papa says a camera and Elle holds up a camera. Too cute!