It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Emacs and VI suck

I can't get NEdit to work at the house. It just doesn't let you paste. NEdit has problems with Gnome. Gnome will not fix the problem. NEdit won't fix it because it is Gnome's problem. I don't know the truth. I don't know the facts. I only know when you hit paste, NEdit goes away. Gedit is Gnome only. Apparently, Gnome fixed the problem for their own editor. Gedit does not appear on all Unix systems. If KDE takes charge, Gedit will go away. I'm out an editor.

Emacs is a pain in the ass. Emacs is only out done in pain in the ass status by VI.  I cannot use VI or Emacs for normal editing. They require learning far too much just to make a frigging piece of text. You have to rewrite the programs to do a search and replace. So it seems anyway.

Adam tells me some said VI was a sell out because of feature bloat. ... =\   You have got to be kidding me.

I give up. There are no really killer text editors for Windows either. Ultraedit didn't suck too bad. They wanted too much money for it.

For the moment I'm sticking with Gedit. It is just the most like all other editors I have used. I'll just have to find other tools that fill in the gaps as needed. I hate that. I guess I like the competition. That isn't helping as much as being a pain in my ass.

That or I'll get NEdit working. I doubt it though. I'm fighting against a political fight. A fight amongst zealots of their own code. I'm lost. I cannot compete with that. I am a lowly user. I shouldn't have to fight that fight. I just want a good text editor that does what it says on the tin.

This is an inherent problem in open source in general. Programmers and managers don't really have their lively hoods on the line so they allow these petty squabbles to really affect the users.


Well, no sooner do I type up this post than I find out that NEdit started working on my home machine again. I'll keep checking it as I perform updates. With my luck it will die again any day.

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