It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Definition of War
Well, I don't have a real definition. I just have an opinion. War is killing the enemy. Killing them until they as a people submit, or until they are gone. If you don't fulfill that criteria, you have not won.
It is like the old time gunslingers said. If you leave them alive, any of them, they will come for you. The other side has to at least know they have lost.
You cannot win a war by bombing pieces of land and stop the electricity flowing to the people. The more miserable people are, the more blood in their eye. When they know they have lost, they are broken. They stop worrying about their cause and start worrying about their hide.
What happened to the will to win? What happened to the drive to stop the bad people? political Correctness is going to kill western civilization. We are not aloud to feel emotions that hurt. We are not aloud to rally behind a cause that causes harm. For ever, we have been told to sit and be quiet. Don't make waves. Don't fight. Don't harm others. If we are a breed of broken people, then we have already lost the war.

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